2- The items listed in our auction are owned by their vendors. Our company is only an intermediary.
3- The auction can be attended to by registering on the auction web-site, by taking place in the building at auction day and time, or by pre-written bids, fax or confirmed telephone. It is necessary to register and get the flag number for the attendance at auction place. The flag number is given automatically when the registration is made through the web-site or given registered bids by written or phone before auction.
4- The given bids are not withdraw, can not be reduced.
5- The explanations of the declared items are not binding and final. Our company takes care to give the most detailed and truthful information within the possibilties of explanations and visuals. However, it is assumed that the items have been inspected by the buyer after the sales transaction has taken place. Therefore, our recommendation is the items should be on-the-spot check ( examined on site) if possible. If not possible, customer should be contact us for help with scrutiny ( carefully review ).
5.-$ to 10.-$ Limit Price Increment – 1.-$
10.-$ to 20.-$ Limit Price Increment – 2.-$
20.-$ to 50.-$ Limit Price Increment – 5.-$
50.-$ to 100 $ Limit Price Increment – 10.-$
100.-$ to 250.-$ Limit Price Increment – 25.-$
250.-$ to 750.-$ Limit Price Increment – 50.-$
750.-$ to 2500.-$ Limit Price Increment – 100.-$
2500.-$ to 5.000.-$ Limit Price Increment – 200 $
5000.- $ to 10.000 $ Limit Price Increment – 500 $
10.000.-$ to up Limit Price Increment – 1000.-$
7- The commission rate varies for each auction, and is stated in the announcement of the related auction. This commission rate applies to both buyers and sellers.
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Payments made with credit card %2 and PayPal are subject to a 4% commission.
Products paid for within 15 days are shipped immediately.
The rules regarding the return are not applied for late payment or products whose shipping is delayed even though the payment has been made.
In other words, our members who pay late or want the products they paid to be shipped later do not have the right to return.
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10- The items won in the auctions will be delivered to the buyer by cargo after payment is made.
In international shipments, if the products are subject to customs procedures, customs procedures will be carried out by the buyers. As the auction house, we will not be able to intervene in this process, so our company is not responsible for any damages and delays that may occur due to customs procedures.
11- The shipping fee belongs to the buyer and will be added to the invoice.
12- During the controversies that may occur with the sales aggrement that was realized at the auction, the company's computer records, auction reports, commercial documents and commercial registers shall be regarded as an absolute evidence without exclusively and need for any oath.
The actual photos of the products in the auction are used, and sometimes there may be differences between the product and the description for technical reasons. In this case, the product description shall prevail.
13- Our Company reserves the right to ask for a reference by given bids for 10 different items or total amount of 5,000.-$ .
14- All bidders are strongly advised to bid with the highest desired price levels. The highest bid offered by a member does not have to be the maximum limit of member. According to the automatic bid increase system; The bid in the lower value belonging to another member, follows the given bid. In case of overtaken bid given by the member, the member is informed by e-mail.
15- Green Apple Auction may contact you and send informative messages, over the contact information by e-mail or mobile phone number which you have provided during registration. In cases, where you wish not to be contacted, please reach us at by stating SMS CANCELLATION or E-MAIL CANCELLATION.
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17- Refunds on internationally certified products and products in "FAIR" condition are not accepted.
18- If the product you purchased is below 100 USD, your products will be held for you to benefit from combined shipping.
If you do not want to take advantage of this opportunity and request your products to be sent, please contact us.
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20- You can hold the shipping of the products you have won and paid for in our auctions. However, the products that have been paid for are kept for a maximum of 3 months. After three months, the products will be shipped to the buyers regardless of the value of the products received.